Saturday 1 March 2014

March Writing Prompts

Here are writing prompts for March. Some of these are from the website above, and I've made some of them up myself. No love and stuff this time around. Not much anyway.

Read more: March Writing Prompts + A Bit Of Fun #moreclassywriting #blogging - Saving More Than Me
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Follow us: @savedonemore on Twitter | savingmorethanme on Facebook

March 1: Your favorite male actor. Discuss.
March 2: Your favourite female actor. Discuss.
March 3: Letter to your 20 year old self.
March 4: What songs would be on the soundtrack of your life?
March 5: Which actor would you want to play you in a movie?
March 6: Who is your doppelganger?
March 7: Do you have any weird talents?
March 8: If you were stranded on an island with 3 people for the rest of your life, who would you want them to be?
March 9: Letter to your 40 year old self.
March 10: Something you're proud of.
March 11: What one food could you eat everyday for the rest of your life?
March 12: What is your favorite piece of art ever created?
March 13: What celeb crush did you have as a teen that you are most embarrassed about today?
March 14: If you could ask anyone a question, what would it be and who would you ask?
March 15: Can you swim?
March 16: Where did you grow up?
March 17: What did you want to be when you were younger?
March 18: What do you do to overcome writer’s block?
March 19: Tell us something that you love about your significant other, pet or someone else.
March 20: Are you a cat person or a dog person?
March 21: What is your favorite comfort food?
March 22: What would you do for a Klondike bar?
March 23: Do a questionnaire.
March 24: Find Prompts for April.
March 25: Do you believe that everyone gets what’s coming to them?
March 26: If you could make up your own holiday, what would you call it?
March 27: What was your first car?
March 28: Have you ever needed a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card?
March 29: If you could be anyone for a day {past or present}, who would you be and why?
March 30: Where am I with my novel?
March 31: Where do you get your inspiration?

Read more: March Writing Prompts + A Bit Of Fun #moreclassywriting #blogging - Saving More Than Me
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Follow us: @savedonemore on Twitter | savingmorethanme on FacebookMarch Writing Prompts + A Bit Of Fun #moreclassywriting #blogging

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please return the favour and Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

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