I'm holding true to my one post a week in October. I'm pretty happy I made the easy goal for myself. Next month, I'll try to up it to two a week.
I've once again, picked some prompts for this week (from Saturday the 10th until Friday the 16th. I won't do all of them, just the ones I have answers to.
I hope everybody had a great Canadian Thanksgiving (those from Canada that celebrate). I had a great weekend with my family. I relaxed in my small town, and showed my pup what it was like living in a quiet town.
Now for the prompts.
10. Share your favourite recipe that includes eggs.
I would normally skip this one, but I did just recently discover a delicious and different egg recipe called Eggs in Hell. So good. Not an every weekend kind of treat, but nice for the odd weekend brunch.
I'll add a link to the recipe I found. Eggs In Hell I've got it on my Pinterest eating board. My Pinterest Food Section
And a pictures of the cooking process/finished product.
11. If you were going on a trip to any place in the world today, where would you go and what would you do?
I've always wanted to go to Ireland. So I'll stick with that. It hasn't really changed, but the truth is, I'd go anywhere. There are still places in Saskatchewan I want to explore as well. I've got a friend in Australia that I'd love to see.
I have a lot of places I'd love to see.
12. What are your pet peeves?
Mean people.
13. Do you find it difficult to ask for help?
Yes. Always have. I will though if I have to.
16. What changes have you made in your life this month?
So far, I'm eating better, but I'm not exercising enough. So I still need to work on life improvements.
I'm making sure to write and read more.
That's about it.
Until next week,
As always,
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.
Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:
October Prompts: http://www.thesitsgirls.com/writing-tips/writing-prompts-october/
Year long Prompts