Monday 31 October 2016

Biggest Impact

October 31, 2016

Tomorrow Nanowrimo starts. I'm planning to do both.

Happy Monday. 

Day Seven

30 Days of Me:

A picture of something/someone that has made the biggest impact on you.

I guess I could have saved the picture of my grandma to use it for this post, but I raved about both my grandmas yesterday. I've got a lot of great people and things that have made impacts on me.

Lately, and for the past five and half months, this guy has had the biggest impact on me. I honestly believe, that my life would have been fine if we had never met. I believe I knew how to LOVE before he came along. In fact, I think it's quite condescending to believe otherwise.

That being said, he DID come into my life, and I learned that life as Anthony's mom is pretty freaking great. He's been a life changer, and I definitely smile a whole lot more now. I can't imagine my life without him, and I don't want to. He makes me want to be better and do better because he deserves the very best I can be. 

Short and sweet tonight.


"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

Sunday 30 October 2016

Day Six - Superheros

October 30, 2016

This will be a short one because after two weeks working away, C is back, and I'd like to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves again.

Day Six

30 Days of Me:

Favourite Super Hero and Why

Here's where I admit that most of what I know from Superheros comes from movies and television shows. More specifically, Marvel movies, and the 90s show Lois and Clark- The New Adventures of Superman. (The one with Dean Cain), and many many different Batmans.

From that I will tell you what I think.

I think Superman/Clark Kent had a kind soul. That gives him more points than anybody. Kindness is key. He never seemed to have a lot of ego either.

On the other hand, Iron Man isn't always that kind, he has a HUGE ego, but he's lovable, and will always jump in to save the day. Of course, he likes the fame. Also, he's way less boring than Superman.

And Batman has a cool voice and the Bat Signal. So he also gets points.

That's all I know. 

Here are my real life superheros:

My Grandma M on her wedding day

Grandma with my sister and I

My Grandma B and I
Neither of my these two wonder women is still with us, but that doesn't stop me from thinking of them as the strongest women in my life. They were my heros.

Grandma M was strong, loving, kind, and all around wonderful. She was loved by anybody who met her. ANYBODY. She raised four children by herself after my grandfather died (when my dad was ten), and she did a great job. I gave my son her maiden name because I wanted him to have a part of her.

Grandma B was just as strong, loving, kind, and all around wonderful. She worked hard her entire life. She raised a family and became a farm wife (after getting a university degree). She lived a life with her favourite things: her husband and her family. If I had a girl, she would have been named Joyce. 

My grandmothers were everything to me, and I feel so sad that I wasn't able to introduce Anthony to my superheros.

Talk tomorrow.


"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

Saturday 29 October 2016

Oh The Places You'll Go (DAY FIVE)

October 29, 2015

Previous 30 days of Posts: DayOne Day Two  Day Three  Day Four

Also, a quick update from yesterday's post. Today is better. I took a day off, and I think it was needed. I got extra sleep this morning, and it helped a lot. I also got a little bit more done today with a baby in my arm, and a dog at my side. I was supposed to go to a Halloween party tonight with Anthony, but I cancelled because of how tired I was. I didn't get dressed today. I needed this day.

30 Days of Me

Day Five

A Picture of Somewhere you've been

I wanted to pick some exotic holiday I've been on, or some adventurous country I have travelled in. I've talked about those.

Instead, I choose these photos. This is Sault Ste Marie in Ontario.

We were there for less than 24 hours. I wanted to share pictures from a place that I've been with my family. Obviously, Anthony is only five months, so there are still a lot of places for us to go and see.

This was our third stop on our way to Clint's parent's house. We drove 8 hours to Winnipeg, another 8 hours to Thunder Bay, and the 8 hours to Sault Ste Marie. (8 hours give or take for all those places.) The drive along Superior is beautiful. I love it. Beautiful spots, beautiful lake, beautiful rocks, beautiful waterfalls. 

This was a drive with a three and a half month old baby, and a 100 pound puppy. We were tired, but loved the sights.

This was our first time staying in Sault Ste Marie. Last time we did it all in two days. That's impossible with a pup and babe. 

We got to our hotel, and Clint took Drogo for a walk. I fed the baby, and tried to relax. I was feeling tired, and a little sick. When Clint got back we discussed meal ideas, and finally after much discussion decided to walk to Pita Pit instead of ordering in. 

Clint really wanted us to walk, and I figured it would be good for me. He even insisted I take my phone as we left for the camera. For the first time ever, I was going to leave it in the hotel.

As soon as I saw the view and the boardwalk, I understood why he insisted on the walk and the camera. It was a great family walk for C and I, the pup, and Anthony. It was gorgeous. There were tons of people walking around and enjoying life. It felt so good. It was a great end to our third day of driving. 

Of course, then the dudes in the room next to us were up all night drinking and being loud, but we survived.

The next day, we headed to our next destination. Another 8 hours to introduce Anthony to his Grandma and Grandpa C. 

It was exhausting, but it was our first trip together, and we had tons of fun, and made lots of great memories. Clint drove in the front by himself for most of the journey, and I sat next to Anthony to keep him calm when he woke up. 

Our first trip together was a great one.

That's it for tonight.

Five days of writing! I'm feeling proud of myself for keeping it up, even though five days isn't a lot.


"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

Friday 28 October 2016


October 28, 2016

Today has been a bit rough for me. I'm exhausted, I'm emotional, and I'm feeling a bit like I can't get anything done. 

I recently bought the book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Last night I read it to Anthony and couldn't get through it. I cried my eyes out.

Today, I decided to go pick up something from the mall in the morning. I hadn't slept well, and I thought I was motivated at that moment. If I didn't go then, I knew I wouldn't.

As I left the mall, I realised I left my keys in my unlocked car sitting on the diaper bag. (I didn't need the bag because Anthony and I were just going to run in and run out.) I was in the mall for about a half an hour. I'm pretty lucky I still had my car out there when I was ready to leave. This isn't a bad thing because my car was left alone. It's just a forgetful Momma moment.

On the way home, I was stuck in traffic. As we slowly moved along the road, I realised it was because of an accident. For the second time, in 24 hours, I cried. I saw the cars that had been in the accident, and I lost it. So my ride home was me silently crying, and Anthony also crying because the slow going traffic was making him impatient. 

I've been tired and grumpy for most of the day. I finally had a bit of a nap at around 2 when Anthony decided to sleep for longer than ten minutes.


I just wanted to give a little update of my mood and mind set before I get on with the blog prompts. 

Also, instead of feeling bad about my crappy day of motherhood, I'm going to write about it. I'm going to feel better about my day. With all the cries (from more than one person in the house), all the grumpiness and loneliness, I also had a day full of baby smiles, visits from two different friends, puppy snuggles and baby cuddles. I'm grateful for the good and the bad.

This is what writing does. It helps me get through it all.

30 Days of Me

Day Four

A Habit that you wish you didn't have

Procrastination. This is the worst habit I have. Lately it has taken over my life. There are so many things I want to do, but haven't gotten to yet.

I've always procrastinated, but it's harder now. Being a Mom has made it harder. It's not really an excuse, but it is a reality.

There are a lot of times during the day that I can't do a lot because I have an adorable baby and an adorable dog wanting my attention.
He wants to play. I want a break.

However, when the littlest adorable boy goes to bed, I could easily write, clean, blog, cook. I do clean my kitchen and do laundry daily. That's about it. All the rest waits and waits and waits. Anthony goes to bed, and I watch Netflix. It's another bad habit. I know I should be doing something, but when your whole day is making a baby happy, and holding somebody who isn't able to take care of himself, it's nice having those moments to myself. I stay up to late just enjoying my time.

As you can see, I'm starting to change that by writing every night. It's obviously still 'me' time, but with less laziness than simply watching a show.

Cleaning my house will be the next task.

And that's it. 

Here's a list of habits I'd like to change:

  • Procrastination - things I do while procrastinating: 
    • Netflix 
    • Facebook 
    • Time on my phone 
    • Candy Crush
    • Online shopping (AMAZON)
There's a lot I need to work on. To get more things done, to take better care of myself, to keep a clean house, to write or edit a novel, I need to stop procrastinating. 


"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

Thursday 27 October 2016

Day Three - My pet

October 27, 2016

30 Days of me.  

Day Three:

A Picture of your Animals.

This will be easy. I have one animal right now. I've had others in the past, but I'm just going to talk about my current baby.

He's a lap dog.

Drogo was our first baby, and we love him to bits.

Anthony loves him.

He's about a year and a half, and I still think he's awesome, cute, funny,and wonderful. I find him frustrating at times because he's basically a 100 pound toddler, but he just has to do something funny or give me his puppy dog eyes, and he's usually forgiven.

Short one tonight. 

Talk tomorrow. 


"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Erin's Writing Life

(Skip this part if you've already read the last one.)
I'm doing some blog prompts to get back into the writing. 30 Days of me.  

To start writing, I'm going to start blogging. November 1st is Nanowrimo, so I'll be blogging from now until the end of November to practise. 

I found a list on Pinterest. It originally came from a page called I'm just going to show one prompt at a time though.

The first prompt is here:

October 26, 2016

Day 2: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Title

This one should be a little quicker to write than yesterday's post.

I started this blog intending it to be about my writing. It ended up being about my writing and my life. 

My very first post basically explained my goal:

I wanted a place to write about fears. Write about my love of writing. Write about accomplishments.

Unfortunately, sometimes in my life, writing took a break, but I still tried to post about my life. So in a way, I was still writing, just not fiction. Blogging is writing and it's a wonderful way to heal. To be creative. To get cheap therapy. To write. To get back in the habit of writing.

I wrote an entire novel, and wanted to use this blog to talk about finishing it, editing it, sending it in to be published, and publishing it. I haven't published it yet. I will some day.

So, long story short. Erin's Writing Life is about Erin's Writing. It's also about Erin's life. Because sometimes they are one in the same. My life is what motivates me to write (or distracts me from writing.)

And as a quick example of distractions, my pup thinks it's his time now that the baby is asleep. (Yep, my 100 pound  lapdog shares a bed with us.) 

That's it. Second post done, lots more to go.

Talk to you tomorrow, Internet World.


"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

I'm back. For 30 days at least!

October 25th, 2016

I'm doing some blog prompts to get back into the writing. 30 Days of me.  I just need to do something to start writing again. I'm also going to be doing Nanowrimo this year. Last year I had the broken computer so I didn't finish it. This year, I have my dog and baby and lots of baby activities. I'm going to do it though. I'm going to finish. Then I'll get back to working as hard as I can to get published. 

To start writing, I'm going to start blogging. November 1st is Nanowrimo, so I'll be blogging from now until the end of November to practice. 

I found a list on Pinterest. It originally came from a page called I'm just going to show one prompt at a time though.

The first prompt is something I've probably done before, but I'm sure things have changed because I've changed.

1. A recent photo of yourself and 15 facts about yourself.

I can't guarantee any of my facts will be interesting. I'll start with a picture. I've added two pictures. This is my life lately. Baby and dog.

I've got baby in my arms and playing with a car tire with my dog. He's stronger than I am, but needs to play. 

I keep telling people how great my baby sleeps. It's slowly starting to change. He's been up once once a night for the past three nights. This is him napping during the day, and me not napping. Darn cute though.

  1. I want to be a writer. I AM a writer, but I want to actually make a living at being a writer. It's something I'm thinking about a lot lately. I want to be published. I want to try harder.
  2.  I miss travelling with all my heart. I lived in Korea for a year, and I thought it was going to be the start of something great. I thought I'd travel all the time. The truth is, I don't know how people afford it. Now, of course, travel isn't a main priority. It doesn't stop me from missing it. However, I'm glad that I got to all the places I did before settling down.
  3. Back to the picture I shared above, I was just thinking about sleep. While I was pregnant, sleep did not come easy. I was up to use the washroom all the time, I had horrible backaches, and terrible heart burn. A lot of people told me to get sleep now before the baby came, or that it was my body preparing me for baby. Even when I was getting up three times a night to feed Anthony at the start, I was getting WAY better sleep after he was born. Pregnancy was not good for my sleep. It's one of those comments from people who have been through it. They think they're helping, but everybody is different. 
  4. As I've mentioned before, I had a miscarriage a few years ago. In my late 20s. I had NO idea what I was doing then, and the pregnancy was an accident, but I had a lot more confidence before I lost the baby. I was SURE I'd make a good mom. This time around, I was constantly struck with the fear that I wasn't going to be good at being a mom. Maybe if I had gone further along into the pregnancy many years ago, the fear would have hit me the same. I was so unprepared back then, but still more confident.
  5. I wrote some notes on my phone when I was in the hospital after I was induced. I just looked at them. This one goes with number four. The last time I spent the night in the hospital I had a miscarriage. Many years later, I had a baby. It's so strange. Completely different times in my life. One ended in heart ache, the other in joy. 
  6. I've written this before, but I never felt like I was meant to be a Mom. I never had that ease with children that I saw in other people. It's working out though. I was meant to be Anthony's Mom.
  7. I've had Anthony in my life for over five months. I STILL look at him and think, I can't believe he's mine. I can't believe I'm so lucky to have him in my life. 
  8. Non Anthony related. Just a straight up something about me. I went skateboarding once in my life. It was when I was in Korea. I went down a ramp, fell off the skateboard, and landed on my elbow. The next day, when I still couldn't straighten my elbow, I went to a doctor and found out I dislocated my elbow. What did I learn from this? I'm a REALLY good skateboarder. 
  9. While I was growing up, I always dreamed I'd end up living in a big city like Toronto. I haven't ended up there, but did end up with a man from Ontario. If we do end up moving to Ontario, it won't be to Toronto. C is definitely not ever going to live in Toronto. I'm okay with that. 
  10. I love my dog so much. I am constantly feeling mom guilt about him. I just wish I could give him all the attention he wants, and give him as many walks as he needs. It's hard. It's not easy. He's basically a 100 pound toddler.
  11. Gratitude helps me. Being happy helps me. That saying about happiness not being a destination is true, and once I figured that out, I found it a lot easier to live my life. I've had moments in my life where depression was an issue. Some days were worse than others. I was lucky enough to not need medication. Now if I feel myself sinking, I fight like hell to get out of it. Thinking about how wonderful my life is helps a lot.
  12. I can't wait to see where Anthony ends up, but I hope he finds a place, and figures out the happy thing quicker than I do. C and I have been talking about living in a smaller community. That scares me because I didn't love living in a smaller town. I never felt like I had a place in the town I grew up in. I was constantly trying to fit in, and I never really did. I NEVER want my child to feel that.
  13. I love my family. I'm so lucky to have the parents I have and the sister I have. They constantly make my life better, and constantly give me support and encouragement. 
  14. Anthony ended up in the hospital at the end of his first month. It was some of the scariest moments of my life, but I'm proud of myself for knowing to take him to the hospital, and for staying strong. I didn't breakdown, and I'm not sure how I held it together.
  15. I love taking photos. I wish that I could use my photos as art, but I have to focus on my writing. I would love to learn more about taking photos.

That's it. Fifteen was a lot. It took longer that I thought, so I'm going to sign off, and head to bed. (Because Anthony may be up in a few hours.)

Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow.


"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated: