Monday 29 September 2014

Brave Again - Query Update

Monday, Sept 29

Look familiar? My life is on repeat. Someday maybe I'll have something new to be brave about.

Round two.

I sent in my next query today at lunch. My stomach is already in knots about it. Wish me luck.

I'm trying to get everything done that needs to be done before Clint and I head to Ontario on Saturday. This was a big one, and I don't have to worry about it at all until I hear back. (Or don't hear back, as the case was the last time.)

I'm working on a blog post, but it's taking longer than I had planned, so this is my Monday Blog Update on my writing life.

Happy Monday!

And as always:

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Thursday 25 September 2014

In my Bag

Sept 25, 2014
What's in your bag?

Another exciting prompt. My bag actually usually has more stuff in it, but I just rearranged my purses.m (So half the crap is in a different purse).

This is my purse. It's beautiful! 

 This is the inside.

 All this stuff is in my zippered pocket. The car is a memory stick. The batteries may be dead, I have no idea. And, I need gum. I have lots of change though!

Umbrella, shoe cleaner stuff, wallet (that I hate, and need to replace), powder for my face, car charger, tide to go pen, Tylenol, my fishing license, Kid flossers for my small mouth, receipts that could be thrown away. Oh and an earring thing that should be thrown out.

My lunchtime book. 

A random feather at the bottom of my purse from the stagette.

A tic tac Toe note pad, a password book (don't bother stealing, it literally has the most useless passwords in it). And a pen.

The important bag! My lunchbag. 

Missing is the yogurt. I ate that. Coffee, breakfast, lunch, snack. I got it all!

Not pictured... my phone. It's either in my purse, pocket or hand.

That's just a bit of a glimpse of my life. It takes me FOREVER to find anything. That's about what my brain feels like most of the time as well, just stuff hanging out everywhere. 

Until tomorrow.

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Self promoting

Wednesday September 24, 2014

The blog prompt question is below, and it has to do with promoting myself on Twitter. As we all know, I don't have a published book to promote (yet). 

I'm in the middle of trying to decide where I want to send it next. I wanted to stick with publishers from Saskatchewan to start because I think being published in my province would be pretty great. I also, (selfishly), hope that being from Saskatchewan will be an advantage. So far, that isn't the case, but I've only sent it to one publisher. 

I'm getting stressed JUST thinking about where to send my Query next. I'm having little panic attacks thinking about putting it into the envelope, and the next long wait I'll have. I realise there isn't anything stressful about it, but that doesn't stop me from worrying and stressing about what I have to do.

So, all these questions about promoting myself are basically about how I promote MYSELF. I have no book to promote. I hope by the time I get published people may know who I am because of my blogs, and because of the fact that I talk about my writing on social networks. By the time my book might be published, people will know it's coming. Will it help? I really hope so. One step at a time though. I have to send it to the next publisher first.

Also, I found this post today. It fits in with the self promoting prompt. Yeah - it might be annoying to hear me talk about me all the time, but if it helps, I'll continue. me.

Now that you know my current stress, I'll go on to how I promote myself on Twitter.

Share 5 ways you use Twitter to promote yourself.

  • I share Instagram pictures on Twitter. 

  • I share my blog on Twitter.

  • I share other blogs or writing tips I find on Twitter.

  • And I hashtag the hell out of my work. (Examples? Okay. #MyWANA #blogging #amwriting #Mondayblogs #WWWblogs) Or I'll hashtag my (non specific) location (#yxe). Things like that. Also, my favourite things about these hashtags is to discover, read and share work that others do as well.

  • I follow other people. The people that follow me back see what I post, and can retweet. That helps.

That's about it. I'll be sending the next query in soon. I'm sure you'll know when I send it. 

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Monday 22 September 2014

Pinterest Addiction

Sept 22, 2014 

Back to some prompts after a weekend of not writing.

On a Scale o 1 to Crazy, how addicted are you to Pinterest

I'm way better than I used to be. I used to be on it all day every day (not on it, but have it open on my computer). If I was bored, that's where I'd go.

Now, usually if I have a spare moment, it goes to blogging. Not always, but it's a good way to blog in my spare time.

I do use Pinterest for certain things. If I want to find a quote, I'll look to Pinterest. I usually take the quote, and use it on my own pictures. If I know where the quote came from, I'll try to reference it.

I use it for recipes all the time. If I have anything I want to cook or try, I do a search in Pinterest first. For drinks and cooking, I skip right over google, and search Pinterest. 

I ALSO find hairstyles I want to try on it.

I use it if I'm in a bad mood. I'll click on pins for animals or humour. They both work well to solve all my problems. (Or distract me.) 

So to answer the question, I'd say I'm a 5. (Assuming Crazy is a 10). I used to be WAY worse. I use it more on my phone now though. It's good for curing boredom. Although - I hear writing is also a good cure - and in my case way more useful. 

This isn't my first post about Pinterest Those are things I've tried (most successful). 

I'm more addicted to reading this blog lately: I found it on Blogher, and had to start from the beginning. It cuts my Pinterest time out. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to some pinning. (For real though, I'm looking for a homemade coffee creamer to make tonight.)

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Friday 19 September 2014

Earliest Memory and Disney Sundays!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Errr, I've been meaning to post, and for some reason, I haven't really felt like it. My last post wasn't really a happy one. I tried to be optimistic. Not sure if I was. Anyway, I'm going to make this one a little more lighthearted. I pulled another of the prompts from my 'blog prompts'. This one seemed fun.

What is your earliest memory?

Over time, I remember it less and less, and now it's more like I remember my memory. Does that make sense? I don't think it does, but have no better way to explain it. I no longer remember it, but I remember thinking about it. A memory of my memory. 

It's short. Basically, I remember walking to the neighbours (maybe they lived across the street) in North Battleford. I don't remember what happened when I got there, I just remember going there. I was two, so I'm guessing I didn't ask permission before I went. We only lived in North Battleford for the first bit of my life. It's a strange little glimpse into my childhood I guess. I just decided to go to their house, and walked there. I actually have no idea how far I got. For all I know, it was about five steps. I don't know. Like I said, it's a strange memory, but definitely my earliest. I can't even begin to decide what my next memory is.  
Here is a fun one though, that just makes me love my dad even more. He's a kid at heart (in the best possible way), and that's probably why I'm still a kid at heart at times.

We used to eat our Sunday meal in the dining room with our little black and white television on by the table so we could watch the Disney movie. There was always a Disney movie on at 6 p-m. (Anybody my age with two channels growing up will remember.) 

So we'd eat supper, and watch whatever Disney chose for us. We all had our favourites. Before the show came on my dad would chant: "Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon!" He did it to get us excited about the show, and it worked, I probably chanted right along with him. I loved it, actually. It was the highlight of my Sunday! Family time, watching Disney with the family. I'm not sure what age I was when we started watching it, but it was a great tradition. The world needs more Sunday night Disney movies. I'm also pretty sure our Sunday meal was grilled cheese and soup. Something we all loved!

My Dad now, as we 'Cheers' our Cod Tongue in Newfoundland. (That was my idea because I am DEFINITELY a kid at heart!)
My Dad and I.

Maybe the age of my first memory.

SIDE NOTE, It's doing that highlighting text thing again, it seems like fixing it would be easy... it's not. Not sure how to... Any advice, I'll take it.

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Monday 15 September 2014


Monday, September 15, 2014


I've always said I wouldn't be sad if I got a rejection from publishing companies. In fact, I expect it. I also expect to be published at some point in my life. I don't really consider rejection to be failure, or to be a sign that I'm unable to reach my goals. I'll reach them eventually. 

I will be disappointed. I can't lie to even myself about that. I expected to be disappointed if I received a rejection.

Unfortunately, I'm disappointed now about something else. 

This was my first time submitting the novel I would love to have published. A long time ago, when I was in high school, I submitted a short story. It was rejected, and that was the extent of my braveness in getting my stories out there. 

In other words, I don't know as much about publishing as I'd like to. Here is what I assumed: I assumed I'd get a letter in the mail telling me it wasn't going to be published. I thought they'd mail the rejection to me with the 20 pages of the query. I even sent them a self addressed/stamped envelope to do it. 

I had hopes that they'd say yes, of course. High hopes and all, but realistically, if I didn't get the good news, I fully expected the bad news.

Instead, my disappointment is in the fact that I got no response. They say they respond in three to four months. I submitted it April 14th. Post Here.

It's been longer. I can deal with that, but still, I need answers before I send it to the next publisher. It's 'bad etiquette' to send it to more than one publisher at once, but if they don't respond, it certainly doesn't feel like bad etiquette on MY part.

I decided to send an email to the editor. I was scared because I wasn't looking forward to the "Oh, yeah, we don't want to publish you," response. Instead of that, I received a different email. An auto responder letting me know, he won't be back until October. It's safe to say, I'm not getting published on the first try.

The next time I send it, I'm also going to send a postcard (self addressed/stamped) for them to send to me letting me know they received it. At least I'll know that much. 

I'm disappointed. I was expecting a lot. Possibly, I was expecting too much, but I don't think so. I think I should have received my rejection. It sounds funny to say, but it's true.

How to solve this feeling: 

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Friday 12 September 2014

A post from a 34 year old. (Me).

Friday, Sept 12, 2014

I didn't post yesterday. I was too busy enjoying my birthday. My Day Here As much as I'm not ready for this year of figuring out what I want with my life, I also like celebrating my birthday. It's necessary to grow older.

I wrote this 'optimistic' post the day before my birthday.

Once again, my goals were to be more brave, eat healthy and exercise, write, continue being grateful for every moment, continue laughing with Clint (and everybody), spend time with friends and family, and be happy with the life I've chosen.

I do think I need to make a lot of changes in my life, and that's not to say that things aren't good. I just think they can be better. I think I can be better, and I can do better. I'm not really talking about healthy eating and exercise here. That's a tiny part. I just want to live life as much as I can. It will include everything I'm doing now (blogging, for example), but more. I want to get out more. I want to volunteer. I want to love my life. I want to do more things that I can be proud of. 

I want to love with all my heart, to read everything, to write all the time, to try new things. 

So I will.

Short and sweet post today. It's time for changes... and not just hairstyle changes. (That's usually what I end up doing).

C is in this picture. And while going for him, was one of the best things, really, we both went for each other. That's not really the point of the saying or picture. It just seemed like an appropriate image. Plus, we're going for what we want together.  

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

The last day of my 33rd Year

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

It's my last day of being 33, and I wish I was more excited about turning 34. I wanted to get more done by the time I turned 34. 

35 has always been a deadline of sorts, so I have a lot I want to do this year.

I'm turning 34, and feeling a bit leery of what's to come. I have to make decisions, and decide what I really want. Babies, marriage, full blown writing career... it's all up to me, and I have to figure out what I want to do. In the future, I won't regret not having babies or not getting married, but I still need to make a decision. I know I'll be happy that I have Clint no matter what we decide.

However, in the future, I'll regret not having my book published, and I'll regret not writing more. Going into my 34th year, I think I need to focus more on my writing, and less on what I think I need to be happy. The truth is, I am happy with my relationship, and there is no reason to stress out with my need for more. I can't solve it. The thing I can solve is my writing. I can send it out to more publishers, and I can write more. I haven't written as much as I know I can. It's time to write. This will be my year of writing and focusing on getting published.

Since my birthday is tomorrow, I thought I'd share a previous post. Things I wanted to do before my birthday.

I updated it as well in August with what I've done.

There are a couple things from that list I haven't done. 

I'm not going to list everything again because I've done it twice. The thing I'm most happy about is how much I've laughed. With friends, with family, with Clint. I've been lucky.

For the things I haven't done: 

  • I haven't figured out what's going to happen next with my book.
  • I'm pretty sure I haven't made it to my goal weight.
  • I didn't finish the Game of Thrones series
  • I didn't go to Shakespeare on the Sask... I ran out of money.
  • I didn't catch a fish. We tried.
  • I didn't write as many letters as I wanted.
  • I didn't get up and exercise every morning.
Here are some things I want to do in the next year.

  • I want to be more brave.
  • I want to eat healthy and exercise.
  • I want to write.
  • I want to continue being grateful for every little moment in my life.
  • I want to continue laughing with Clint every day.
  • I want to spend as much time with my family as I can.
  • I want to spend as much time with my friends as I can.
  • I want to be happy with my life. Not wanting more, but happy with what I've chosen.
That's it. Talk to you all when I'm 34.

And continue drinking wine in my next year.

This is what I look like on my last day of 33.

Until next time.

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Favourite Media Outlet for Marketing

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What’s your favourite social media outlet for marketing/promotions?

I need to be clear here. I am yet to be published. Other than marketing myself in hopes of being published in the future, I don't really have a lot of promoting and marketing to do for myself.

Right now, for sharing my blog, I like using Twitter the best. I find it to be the most resourceful, and the best to share with people who are interested in the same topics as I do. I think hashtags are the most useful on Twitter.

I share my blog on Facebook as well, but that's sharing with people who know me. Some will read it, and some won't.

Twitter helps me reach people I would have never connected with before. I'm sure it will be the one I use the most when my book is published. It allows me to share my work AND to discuss it with anybody who has questions. 

Once I'm published, I'll probably use Facebook more, but for now, Twitter is my go to.

As a side note, check out #whyIstayed and #whyIleft It's an important trend/hashtag.

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Monday 8 September 2014

A Long Distance Friend Relationship

Monday, September 8, 2014

Someone who does not live in your country

I knew right away who I wanted to write about. I emailed him and asked for permission. He's given me the go ahead, so now I just have to write about him.

James and I met while neither one of us were living in 'our own' country. He's from South Africa, and I'm from Canada (as we know). We met in South Korea. We were teaching at the same school in Seoul. He had been living in South Korea for a while before I got there. (A couple of years, maybe?). He had a girlfriend who was Korean, and had family living in Seoul as well. 

We became friends during the year I worked at ECC. I don't think we were the most fabulous friends ever, but we did okay. 

He teased me about things that should not have been funny, but I guess it was proof that we WERE going to be fabulous friends. For example, he made light of my break up with G. Calling me a 'heart breaker' for breaking up with him over the phone. Both of us knew why I did it, and although it was a hard decision, it probably helped making light of a situation I couldn't change. Not everybody could have made jokes about it. There were other things... many things. He just waited for stories from me because most of them were embarrassing stories. This hasn't changed. He thanked me for being the 'unloved' one in the office because it provided humour for him. Seeing him laugh about it, usually made me laugh as well.

We hung out as a group with friends, and sometimes together. We never dated, or crossed any lines that would cause trouble to a friendship. As I said, he did have a girlfriend. We laughed, we drank, we talked about life. We had fun.  

This is my favourite picture of us. What else do you do with weird bread sticks on your table. (Ignore my hair).
  New Years

A night out at Tinpan
Go Karts (I won).

Celebrating a coworkers wedding. Time to cut the cake? With a sword?

I left Korea, in 2006. This is what he wrote in my Korea Scrapbook (below): "Thanks for walking into doors, falling off skateboards, and not being loved in the office. Yours in Gossip."

I'm pretty sure his last words before I left were, "I'd say keep in touch, but that rarely happens does it?" I remember not being insulted or upset about the comment because it's true. Especially considering Facebook wasn't a thing back then. 

However, we did keep in touch, and our friendship is one of the ones I cherish most. It started with emails and letters full of great gossip on his end, and on mine, stories featuring me getting hurt or embarrassing myself.

We lost touch for a little while in 2007, and one day I received an email from him telling me about his life. The email came when I most needed his support and advice (the miscarriage), and we've kept in touch ever since. 

James and I are completely honest with each other, and never hide the stupid things we've done. We support one another from a far, and give each other advice when we need it. (Whether we've asked for it or not). We tell the truth. We don't judge.

We're pretty awesome. It's a friendship I didn't expect to be as long lasting and as good as it is. 

Although it stinks never seeing each other, we still share important moments of one another's life. He just got married, and although I wasn't there, I was there in spirit, and so excited for him!

I'm pretty lucky to have him as my far away friend. I am grateful that we've stayed friends through the good and the bad. We've been friends for 9 years now. I'm sure we'll continue the friendship for years to come. Some day, I'm sure we'll meet up again. I'll meet his wife and possible kids, and he can meet Clint and possible kids.

So that's one of my fabulous friendships with somebody from a different country. Hope you enjoyed the rave review, James!

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Friday 5 September 2014

That's all folks (for the weekend)

Sept 5

I have a couple of posts ready to be written for next week, but for now, I'm going to try for a half technology free weekend. In other words, no blogging and minimal Facebook and Twitter. (I'll still be posting my 100 happy Days photos on Instagram.)

I'm headed for a stress free weekend that will include NO anxiety attacks.

Talk to you on Sunday or Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend.

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Letter to my Grandma McCrea

September 4, 2014

HELP! I Cannot figure out how to get the highlighting off this entry. If anybody knows, please let me know because I think it takes a lot away from it. I have tried clicking the highlight off, and that did not help. I also don't know why it started like this.

Write a letter to a grandparent and tell them about your day.

Wow. First of all, I like this. Second, it makes me want to cry just thinking about talking to any of my grandparents again. I'm going to write it to my Grandma McCrea. She's been gone the longest, and I miss her.

Dear Grandma,

I'm sorry I haven't written before. I should have. It might be comforting to write to you. Before I get to my day, I just have to tell you how much I miss you. I'm so grateful that you were my grandma. I learned so much from you, and had a great role model in you.

Now about my day. It's only half over, but it is a good day.

I woke up cheerful. I don't know if you remember my morning face, but I don't think it's usually cheerful. This week has been tough, and I've been waking up without a smile on my face, and without feeling grateful. Today, is different because Clint is coming home tonight. 

You don't know Clint. I wish you did. You'd love him. You would joke with him, and smile at him, and you'd be happy for me because I found him. I tell him stories about you, but not enough. I don't know if he realises the impact you made on my life. You both have that in common. He's made a pretty big impact on my life as well. I can't wait to write to you in a few years, and tell you where we are in our relationship. Clint and I have quite the future ahead of us. I'm sure of that.

I work today. It's my Friday (although it's only Thursday). I've been working at a radio station in Saskatoon for three years. The last we spoke, I was living in Whitecourt. I love it here. I love being near friends, and near my family. It's comforting knowing how close everybody is. I love my job as well, not only does it give me lots of creative writing experience, but I also enjoy the people I work with. I'm happy here. I don't know if I'll work here for the rest of my life, and I don't know if I'll stay in Saskatoon, but right now it is home.

One other thing about today: it was yet another day that I had no response from the people I sent my novel too. I wrote a book, Grandma! I was so happy about it, and proud of myself for sending it away, but the farther away that gets, the more I feel like I should be doing more. I want to get published. I wish you were here to read it. It hasn't happened yet, but I have lots of hope, I guess I just need to be more persistent.

It's a really nice day. The start of September, and we still have lots of sun shining. The leaves are starting to turn yellow, and soon the colours will be gorgeous. Right now though, the sky is as blue as it can be, and I think you'd love it. 

My birthday is coming up, and you were always one of the first people to call me. Thanks for that. I'll be having a birthday supper with Denise and Karen the day of my actual birthday. You know them both well! Some things never change, like my friendship with them.

Clint and I are celebrating my birthday this weekend because he'll be gone for the actual day. We are going to the mineral spa in Manitou tomorrow. We went there once. You, Auntie Marilyn and I. We had a buffet style meal at Danceland. I chose there instead of Moose Jaw for a couple of reasons. First, it has a beautiful lake overlooking it, and second the spa in Moose Jaw is WAY more money. I'd rather hang out and relax next to a lake. 

Also, Moose Jaw is a mix of great memories and sadness. Every time I go there, I wish I was going to see you and Marilyn. It's a great city, but you two were the reason I loved visiting. It makes me more sad than I'd like.

I think I've caught you up on my day so far. I'm going for a drink with a friend after my day is done, and then -as I said- Clint will be home later. He works away from home, so his days off are some of my favourite days. He makes me happy. Happier than I ever thought I would be.

Although I don't have a lot of faith in the afterlife, I still like to imagine you hanging out with some of my favourite people. Grandma and Poppy (Grandpa) Burton, Marilyn, and Grandpa McCrea (who I've never met, but I'm sure if you were with anybody, it would be him). I wish with all my heart that I could believe that's who you are with. So for the purpose of this letter, please tell them I say hi, and that I love them. 

I love you. Always.


That was easier to write than I thought. I was worried I would be writing it more for my the people reading my blog, than for Grandma. I was wrong. That was completely for Grandma, and I really wish she could read it. She was one of my favourite people. And I miss her. 

Thanks for reading. 

To be clear, she was just doing this to be funny. Grandma didn't usually drink straight from the wine bottle.

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Exciting things in the next 12 months

Wednesday Sept 3, 2014

Something  you look forward to in the next 12 months
Yesterday's post, here, wasn't as full of optimism as I would have liked, so while looking at the 'looking forward' prompts, I found this one. It seemed like a good way to get back to the optimism.

Here are some things that I am looking forward to.

  • I'm excited for Friday! My work is nice enough to give 'birthday days'. One day to use sometime within a week for your birthday. I took mine on Friday because Clint is home. He won't be here for my birthday, so we are celebrating it this weekend. I had been making plans to go to Alberta, but changed my mind at the last minute. We are going to spend the night at a spa outside Saskatoon. We won't be doing any of the 'spa' stuff, EXCEPT for the mineral water. We will be doing that. I'm looking forward to it. More details to come, I'm sure.
  • I'm excited for my birthday. As much as I loathe turning older, I love my birthday. I like having a 'me' day. I like to go to work on my birthday, and have people know it is my day. I've got lunch plans that day, and supper plans that day, so life will be good. 
  • I'm excited for the weekend AFTER my birthday because I'm hanging out with Mom and Jodi to celebrate my birthday. We'll have a girl's weekend. Including, shopping, dinner, movies, and you know... that's probably it.
  • I'm excited for a wedding coming up in September.
  • I'm excited for Robbie's baby shower. (The day after the wedding).
  • I'm SO excited to drive to Ontario with Clint this October. Two weeks with that gorgeous guy, exploring, meeting friends and family. 
  • I'm excited to celebrate Clint's birthday in December. Cause I LOVE birthdays. (As a side note, I'm looking forward to celebrating all birthdays that are coming).
  • I'm excited for Christmas. We haven't made official plans yet, so I'm not sure who I'll be spending it with, but it's a holiday that involves happiness, love, and family.
  • I'm looking forward to New Year. I always do. Time to make changes for the better.
  • I'm looking forward to an ice fishing trip I have to plan for Clint and I. It's going to be his birthday/Christmas present. (He knows already so if he reads this, it won't be a surprise).
  • I am looking forward to making decisions with my book. This will probably be coming  a lot sooner, but I'm sure the year will be full of them.
  • I'm looking forward to writing more and reading more.
  • I'm looking forward to having a new home with Clint. To planning our future. 
  • I'm looking forward to cutting some ties.
  • I'm looking forward to 12 months of being happy and full of gratitude with my friends and family. (And being grateful FOR my friends and family). 
  • I'm looking forward to orange leaves.
  • I'm looking forward to the first snow fall.
  • I'm looking forward to summer returning.
  • I'm excited for any trips I may be lucky enough to take in the next 12 months. Near or far.
  • I'm looking forward to trying new things. 

That's it. Just a FEW things to make me happy. 

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.