Friday 21 March 2014

March 20 & 21 & 22 Questions Questions Questions

First of all, I'm a day ahead in these (and one day behind). It's because I don't really feel like any of these need an entire blog post all on their own. ESPECIALLY the one for tomorrow. However, I've not had the energy this week to think of a different writing prompt. Just know now, there won't be creative answers for it. Because I can't think of any. Hopefully I'll get out of my funk soon. This way, all my blogging is done for Saturday, and I can concentrate just on editing tomorrow. It really needs some help/love.

March 20: Are you a cat person or a dog person?
I used to be a cat person. Then I became a dog person. I used to find dogs harder to deal with. They made me panic a little because of all their love. That might sound strange, but it's true. I've had both cats and dogs. Now I have none, and it makes me sad. I miss them. So I guess I'm both, BUT if I were to choose right now between getting a cat or a dog, I'd choose a dog. A pet is also a good idea (when we move) for when C goes back to work. It'll keep me company when I miss him, and give me a great reason for walks.

Rolo (the cat) and Karmen (the dog). Both alive and well living with people who love them to bits.

March 21: What is your favourite comfort food?

I have lots. Don't have a picture of nachos and cheese sauce, but I've basically given that up. Comfort food is hard because it's basically all bad for me. Wine is really my biggest comfort food (drink), and I'm not talking getting drunk, I just enjoy a glass of wine.


Beer Beer Beer


Taco Night in the McCrea/Crowe Household


Wine Wine Wine!

March 22: What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Boring question, boring response. Nothing? Buy one? I did You tube it to see if I could find any good videos to share.

I did. Check it out.

That's it for now. More on Sunday! :)


Just a reminder, these prompts are all coming from: 

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please return the favour and Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

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