Friday 6 March 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

March 6, 2015

Day 6

What was your last Random Act of Kindness?

I don't think the act is random if you share it. I don't really want to focus on my acts of kindness, but believe me, I know I should do more.  

I want to talk about a different kindness from a whole town.

I've spoken about about my home town before. Here 

I never loved small town life. I knew I'd end up moving to a city. I never felt like I could be myself in my hometown. The only place I felt comfortable was with my family, but I never really felt at ease at school. I didn't love the popularity contest. Mostly because I was never able to win it. 

My town obviously left me with some sort of fondness for it because I use a small town for half of my novel's setting. It's not about my specific town (it's larger), but I use a lot of what I learned from my town.

I give my hometown a hard time, but I always know that the people from my town will step up when somebody is in trouble. Random Acts of Kindness.

It's not always random I guess, but when somebody needs help, they will help.

My aunt and uncle had a house fire last week. They lost everything. The house and their things. Nobody was hurt. 

I'm sure it didn't take long for the news to spread about the fire, in fact, I'm guessing the town knew about it before the fire was out. 

This week, the town has been fundraising. They've been donating things. They've been helping in any way they can. 

That makes me incredibly proud to have grown up there. The people who live there are good. Random acts of kindness happen ALL THE TIME. 

I guess it's like one big family, and I'm sad that I don't always see that. My aunt and uncle will be okay. They will get through this, and have more memories in a new home. 

So whether acts of kindness are random, or are private, they're always good. The town is full of people willing to step up and help a family in need. 

Warms my heart.

(The town from my parent's house.)

I'm trying to work on a photo project for them. I have to find all the photos first. I think I'd be sad to lose my photos. (Although, now FB has many of them.)

I'm starting with this one: 
My Grandma and Grandpa

March Prompts: Here gets you to another link and here.
As always,

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

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