Friday, 1 August 2014

Day One August Blog Challenge

Aug 1 
 New Years Resolution Follow up 
I did 2014 Writing Goals, as well as New Year's Resolutions. I've copied them here, and will follow up after the goal. The 'resolutions' are in italics. 

·         Short Term Goals for 2014
o    Write everyday I blog everyday. Still working at writing every day.
o    Edit the first novel I've edited it about four times, so I did do this. However, it could probably use about three more edits. 
o    Write a second novel I've started thinking about it, and started, but haven't done as much as I'd like.
o    Look into publishing, and submit work Success! Just waiting for my first response. 
o    Start blogging again Success! Definitely the writing I do most.
o    Write short stories again No. I haven't really done any short story writing. I guess I'll have to work on it.
o    Learn something new every day I assume I meant about writing. I'm sure I do. I'm constantly looking at blogs, twitter posts, and pinterest about writing ideas and advice.
o    Try different genres of writing I'm not there yet. Hopefully before the year is over.

That's it for the writing specific goals. I also had a post for 2014 Resolutions.

My Post for New Year's Resolutions is here: I've kind of also copied and pasted, and I'll give my update on how I'm doing.

  • I'm going to read more. I have TONS of books, and I should use them for more than making a Christmas Tree.  However, I think I'll leave the stack of the books up, and start from the top. If I've already read it (there are a few of those), and I don't want to read it again, I will give it away. 
I took the 'book tree' down because we moved. I still have a lot of books to read, and I still buy too many. I'm reading, but slowly. 

  • I'm going to try to pay more attention to spelling and grammar in all my writing.
I think I do pay a bit more attention, and I try to edit more. I learned a lot more about grammar while editing my book and getting others to read it. I have a lot to learn. Always.
  • I'm going to start writing letters to myself again. That may sound strange, but I wrote myself letter from nine years old until 19 to open on the day I turned 20. I did the same thing from 20-29. Unfortunately, I wrote a lot less. Here I am, 33, and I haven't written any letters to my future self. My forty year old self is going to be upset! So I'll be doing some catching up with myself. I should also find the old ones. Not sure where they are. I know I still have them though.
I haven't really done this. I wrote one letter for my blog. I guess I still have a lot more updating to do for 40 year old me. One letter a year is probably sufficient though.
  • I'm going to do more journal writing. I say this every year, and I'm really good at writing on the bad days. I need to work on gratitude writing as well as worries, doubts and sadness. Basically, I can write anything I want in my journal. I'm not restricted. I miss journal writing.
I write every once in a while. To be honest, with the amount of blogging I do, I usually just end up repeating myself. I'm pretty honest in my blog. Also I have the gratitude blog, so that doesn't need to be a focus in my journal. It's sad, but my journal just doesn't get the love it used to. I write about things that will NEVER go in my blog. That's not a lot though. 

  • I'm going to try my hardest to do something with my book. I'm good at procrastinating. I'm good at not trying as hard as I should. I'm not very good at quitting, but I'm good at leaving it or ignoring it. I can't do that with my book. I have to try. I guess if I can't find a publisher, I can self publish. That will be a last resort though.
It's hard to continue to try my hardest because I can't do anything while waiting. I did take steps to get something done with it. We'll see what happens. I was proud of myself (but it seems so long ago.)
  • I'll start a new novel.
I've started it. I haven't got much farther than that.
  • I will blog.
I DID blog. And DO blog. Done!
  • Last, I found a pin that has photo or writing prompts for months. I'm going to start with February, and see how I go from there. Once again, that will be posted on here. 
I've basically done this. I even make time for my own personal entries. Lately, I haven't done a schedule like the February or August prompts, but it's a nice break.

And as always: This is the explanation of the challenges:

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

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