I have a confession to make. You could ask me about any soap that's currently on air right now, and I'd be able to tell you something about it. Current plot, actors, characters... I'd know something.
I'll never apologise for this. Although, I may be slightly embarrassed if you call me on it. Which, of course means that I need to publicly declare it on my blog. Although I did mention it once before on my Villains post (here.)
I actually no longer watch them because I don't have the time, but I read the recaps for GH and somehow keep track of the other soaps all at Soap Central
There's a point to this confession, I promise. It's just taking me a while to get to it.
I grew up with Another World on in the background. My mom watched it, her mom watched it, and my dad's mom watched it. Then it ended, and we all had to find new soaps. (Although, I don't think my mom watches soaps anymore).
I floundered around for a while, but started watching General Hospital in my university days.
My Grandma M started watching Young and the Restless. Every time we spoke on the phone, we'd talk a little about Y&R. I liked that. She would tell me what Sharon and Nick were up to, or what Phyllis was doing. I miss it. I always tried to keep updated even after she died.
I feel like I still watch Soaps as a tribute to her. For those of you thinking that's not really a great tribute, I ALSO do Relay for Life. You can donate HERE at my fundraising page. That's correct. I just asked for money in a blog post. No regrets. She passed away on April 14th, 2009, and had been diagnosed with cancer.
Yesterday, a big actress from Y&R that quit last year, made an appearance on GH, and will be staying. For those of you not watching soaps, you won't understand how big of a move this was. Twitter was going crazy. All I wanted to do was call my Grandma and talk to her about it. It's ALL I wanted to do. I miss her for so many reasons, and one of them is that we could talk about silly things like who was doing what on a soap opera. My sister and I do that now. It's something I love that we do. "Soap dish emails."
I'll admit that was a lot of information to give when really all I have to say is: I miss my grandma.

So to finish my Prompt for today:
Prompt: Share a photo from your life for each day in a typical week.
And here we go with Friday, May 2, 2014 Day 5 of 7
I read the GH daily recaps. From Monday to Friday. On Mondays, I also read something called 'two coops' about every soap that's on. It's like a weekly opinion/update. All from Soap Central.
Two more Daily Photo Prompts, and you'll know all the secrets of my week. There are no pictures, but the work afternoon is quite similar to the work morning. Same place, same accounts, still a Creative Writer. Today it includes pulling out my hair.
Here's what I do when I get home from work during week nights:
Just one glass of wine a week night. Sometimes, like when this picture was taken (Wednesday), it's sitting there waiting for me when I get home.
Most of my ideas are coming from http://erinisawriter.blogspot.ca/2014/03/march-24th-looking-forward.html It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.
And as always:
©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please return the favour and Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.
Also, check out http://lifeisgoodandhereisproof.blogspot.ca/
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