Sunday 18 May 2014

Food And Love

May 18
I'm doing two in one because I think the first question is not worth it's own post. There is no reason for me to do an entire entry about food. That one will be a three word answer, and the next one will be obvious but I'll still answer the obvious.

2 Food items you cannot possibly live without.

Cheese and Mushrooms

1 person who makes your life better.

C does. We all knew that answer. Anybody who knows me or reads this blog knows that he has changed my life, and made me incredibly happy. Together, we make both our lives better. 

Neither of us are perfect, but we make a pretty great couple. 

I've dated before, and I've been lucky enough to date nice guys. This time is different though. I don't question us, I just know it's right. 

It's not just us as a couple. He encourages me in every area of my life. He makes me better. I'm at the point in my life where I can take credit for the things I've accomplished. Nobody can make you do better or fix your life for you. It is up to me to make my life better. That being said, C helps me by reminding me I can do these things. We work together to make both of our lives better.

Anyway, it's crazy how as a writer, I can't eloquently write about how much love I have, and how grateful I am that he is in my life. I'll leave it at that.

I think the next prompts are writing prompts. Creative writing prompts. I'll be sharing some fiction type writing on my blog. Possibly. If I get a little more brave. 

I'll also be posting other things as I think of them. Coming up, a post about Flat Stanley and one about religion or lack of religion (gasp!).  

Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

And as always:

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

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