Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Keeping Busy

December 5, 2017

Today, I was a photographer for a day. Maybe it will end up being more than a day. We'll see.

I took some photos for a wonderful local business called Fitbump. I have spoken before about it in my posts, but just to quickly recap my thoughts on this place: all moms or expecting moms should go. It's a place to exercise, but it's more that that. It's a community. A lovely, kind, and non-judging one. It's one of my favourite places to be.

This was my first time taking photos for somebody else. I've always loved photography, and taking photos. If I could do something with my photography, that would be great. One thing at a time though. I still need to check them out, and see how they look, and I have to learn how to edit photos. Lots to do.

I left Anthony with Clint when I went to take the photos. I had a blast. It was fun taking them, but also, it felt nice having a job. Even if it was only for one day. I, obviously, need a job that allows me to be at home with Anthony, or bring him places with me most of the time. I wasn't enjoying my job before Maternity leave, and I love being a stay at home mom. I don't regret my decision at all, but it felt good. It felt productive to get out of the house and do something for me. I'm so glad I got the opportunity, and I'm glad it was to do something I love. 

I'm super busy this month. It's funny because I was excited for November to end so I could take a break. It hasn't worked that way. I like it. I like being busy. I enjoy having jobs for myself.

I'm proud of myself for everything I'm accomplishing. Even if it's something as little as crafts for stocking stuffers. It's something.

So this month, I am still editing at least 1000 words a day. I'm trying out some photography. I'm working on actual photo projects for presents. I'm making as many lovely crafts as I can for presents. I'm writing. I'm hoping to get Christmas cards done this year, but I honestly don't think they're top priority this year - it is pricey to send tons of cards, and time consuming to get them ready.

(Here is how I feel about it all:) 
Still happy though. Busy is good.

And unrelated to everything I just wrote, here is my December photo project for my blog:

I'll do the first five days of the month. 

Dec 1st: A List

These are mostly just the writing goals. I've added WAY more to it since the first. One craft a day is excessive. Some take more than a day.

Dec 2nd: In My Mug

It's always coffee. Plus a little of my homemade coffee creamer. This was just made on the 2nd. It's delicious.

Dec 3rd: From My Window
This was from the car window on December 3rd. We were running errands on the foggiest day ever. 

Dec 4th: Something Red

I didn't take a photo of anything red on December 3rd. But a few days earlier I attempted a Christmas photo of my baby on a beautiful red blanket. (Made by Clint's Mom.) Don't judge my photography skills on this photo please.

Dec 5th: Holiday Movie
I don't have a photo of a holiday movie. But this is my kid lounging on the couch while one is on Netflix. He doesn't usually stay watching for more than 10 minutes. He loves anything with cars on it, but isn't so interested in Christmas.

That's it for tonight. Time for a bit of photo editing, or maybe a bit of sleep.

“Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up.”

― Jane Yolen

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: http://bookserinread.blogspot.ca/ 

I occasionally do guest Mom posts for a local Mommy Connections blog. Check them out, and others here:

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

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