Thursday 4 September 2014

Letter to my Grandma McCrea

September 4, 2014

HELP! I Cannot figure out how to get the highlighting off this entry. If anybody knows, please let me know because I think it takes a lot away from it. I have tried clicking the highlight off, and that did not help. I also don't know why it started like this.

Write a letter to a grandparent and tell them about your day.

Wow. First of all, I like this. Second, it makes me want to cry just thinking about talking to any of my grandparents again. I'm going to write it to my Grandma McCrea. She's been gone the longest, and I miss her.

Dear Grandma,

I'm sorry I haven't written before. I should have. It might be comforting to write to you. Before I get to my day, I just have to tell you how much I miss you. I'm so grateful that you were my grandma. I learned so much from you, and had a great role model in you.

Now about my day. It's only half over, but it is a good day.

I woke up cheerful. I don't know if you remember my morning face, but I don't think it's usually cheerful. This week has been tough, and I've been waking up without a smile on my face, and without feeling grateful. Today, is different because Clint is coming home tonight. 

You don't know Clint. I wish you did. You'd love him. You would joke with him, and smile at him, and you'd be happy for me because I found him. I tell him stories about you, but not enough. I don't know if he realises the impact you made on my life. You both have that in common. He's made a pretty big impact on my life as well. I can't wait to write to you in a few years, and tell you where we are in our relationship. Clint and I have quite the future ahead of us. I'm sure of that.

I work today. It's my Friday (although it's only Thursday). I've been working at a radio station in Saskatoon for three years. The last we spoke, I was living in Whitecourt. I love it here. I love being near friends, and near my family. It's comforting knowing how close everybody is. I love my job as well, not only does it give me lots of creative writing experience, but I also enjoy the people I work with. I'm happy here. I don't know if I'll work here for the rest of my life, and I don't know if I'll stay in Saskatoon, but right now it is home.

One other thing about today: it was yet another day that I had no response from the people I sent my novel too. I wrote a book, Grandma! I was so happy about it, and proud of myself for sending it away, but the farther away that gets, the more I feel like I should be doing more. I want to get published. I wish you were here to read it. It hasn't happened yet, but I have lots of hope, I guess I just need to be more persistent.

It's a really nice day. The start of September, and we still have lots of sun shining. The leaves are starting to turn yellow, and soon the colours will be gorgeous. Right now though, the sky is as blue as it can be, and I think you'd love it. 

My birthday is coming up, and you were always one of the first people to call me. Thanks for that. I'll be having a birthday supper with Denise and Karen the day of my actual birthday. You know them both well! Some things never change, like my friendship with them.

Clint and I are celebrating my birthday this weekend because he'll be gone for the actual day. We are going to the mineral spa in Manitou tomorrow. We went there once. You, Auntie Marilyn and I. We had a buffet style meal at Danceland. I chose there instead of Moose Jaw for a couple of reasons. First, it has a beautiful lake overlooking it, and second the spa in Moose Jaw is WAY more money. I'd rather hang out and relax next to a lake. 

Also, Moose Jaw is a mix of great memories and sadness. Every time I go there, I wish I was going to see you and Marilyn. It's a great city, but you two were the reason I loved visiting. It makes me more sad than I'd like.

I think I've caught you up on my day so far. I'm going for a drink with a friend after my day is done, and then -as I said- Clint will be home later. He works away from home, so his days off are some of my favourite days. He makes me happy. Happier than I ever thought I would be.

Although I don't have a lot of faith in the afterlife, I still like to imagine you hanging out with some of my favourite people. Grandma and Poppy (Grandpa) Burton, Marilyn, and Grandpa McCrea (who I've never met, but I'm sure if you were with anybody, it would be him). I wish with all my heart that I could believe that's who you are with. So for the purpose of this letter, please tell them I say hi, and that I love them. 

I love you. Always.


That was easier to write than I thought. I was worried I would be writing it more for my the people reading my blog, than for Grandma. I was wrong. That was completely for Grandma, and I really wish she could read it. She was one of my favourite people. And I miss her. 

Thanks for reading. 

To be clear, she was just doing this to be funny. Grandma didn't usually drink straight from the wine bottle.

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

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