Thursday 12 June 2014

Writing career changed in the past year?

June 12
How has your writing career changed in the past year?

First of all, although I proudly call myself a writer, I am not sure that I have a 'writing career'.

I did some Merriam Webster app research.

I would say I do consider myself to be a writer. It doesn't say published, so I'm good. Career would work, but it still says job. My job is not a writer. (Although, my official job title is 'Creative Writer' which kind of changes everything I'm saying. I don't consider myself to be a 'writer' at work even though my title says I am.) As for the definition of job, I'm not making money at it yet, but maybe I will, and it is something that requires a great effort.

So long story short... sure. My writing career. How has it changed? It's changed a lot. I finished a book. I hope next year at this time, I can say the same thing: that it's changed. I hope my official writing career has started by then because I still don't feel like it has.

But here are the changes throughout the year.

I wrote everywhere I could.

 I started taking it more seriously and REALLY wrote as much as I could. October 13th, 2013, I made it to 100 pages. November 17th, I made it to 200 pages.

I was already planning my 'author' photo. Though, don't think this will be the winner.

December 16, 2013. Finished my first novel.

New writing tool for Christmas. Love my purple laptop.

Jan 28, 2014. Working on titles.

Picking publisher options.

From February until April, I edited a lot and had a lot of drafts.

Even at work.

I also blogged. I enjoy blogging and hope it will get my name out there in case my novel is published.

I gave myself a party on March 29th.
'Erin Wrote a Book party'.

I learned that you can NEVER edit enough.

I became a fearless writer, and sent my Query letter away to a publisher. Fearless.

I went to a Writing Retreat in May, 2014. It was lovely, and nice to share my writing.

How has my writing career changed? This year, I learned how to write and not quit. I got over my fear of sending it off, and actually sat down and wrote a novel, knowing that it may not be published. I've learned more about editing (again and again), and I'm really learning about patience right now. I'm learning about things not being in my control. Writing the novel was the easy part (I had no idea). Now I can't do anything but continue my own edits and wait.

I've changed a lot as a writer. I know that I can do it. I know that procrastination (while fun) is a horrible thing. As a non important learning fact: I also know I'm much better at writing in the winter than the summer, unless I'm outside with a beer.  

While the career hasn't quite started, I've learned a lot about myself as a writer this year. The blog has helped tremendously.

I can fully admit that I am still scared to hear my first 'no'. I almost expect it, but that won't stop me from feeling heart broken. I know I wrote a good book, I just am not sure if it'll get published. That's the truth. While I've grown as a writer, I haven't overcome my fear of failing yet.

Still. I tried. That counts, right?

And as always:
Most of my ideas are coming from It's leads to another blog where I found the ideas. My April onward details start with that post.

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

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