Wednesday 7 January 2015

Blog and writing Schedule

January 7th, 2015

This is more for me, but I figure if I have it written down and posted for all to see, then I HAVE to follow it. 

As I said in the last post, I've been blogging for a year, but I've kind of been winging it. Some months, I aimed for one post a day, other months I just wrote when I wanted. 

I've done my goals for 2015, but I haven't focused entirely on my writing goals. Today is the day! (And only 7 days into the month).

Blog Plans:

Here is my plan for this blog. I want to post three times a week. Probable Monday, Wednesday, and Friday because that spreads it out the most. It will be Monday through Sunday because I'm going with the work week starting Monday for my goals.

 I want to do one prompt post a week, one personal/writing post a week, and one gratitude/picture post a week. It's actually more important than I thought to do the gratitude post. I'm glad I discontinued that blog just because I don't want to have so many blogs, but will be happy to continue on with what makes me happy in this one. 

Writing Plans:

I want to write for 15 minutes (or more) five days a week (or more). It's not hard to do, and yet sometimes (a lot) I don't do it. I NEED to start again. My break from Nanowrimo has gone on long enough. I will finish my novel, I will edit my novel, and I will continue trying to get the first one published.

I WILL write for 15 minutes a night. That's ONLY novel or Creative Writing. Blog writing is different. 

I also want to journal. I have one. I can honestly say, I have no idea when I wrote in it last. It's been a while. This isn't a goal, or a promise. The others I want to do, this one is just something I'd like to have happen. It's not the most important on the list. 

Reading Plans: 

Also, a side note, I've just pledged to read 13 books this year on GoodReads. That will be one a month plus an extra book. 

I also plan to blog about the books I read. As I always do.

That's it for my writing plans for 2015. I just need to figure out how to keep track of it. If anybody has a suggestion, please let me know. There must be some sort of app for keeping track of my writing. I'll look for that tonight. 

As always,

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Prompts from:

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

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