Wednesday 17 December 2014

A letter to Mini-Me (who may not ever be)

December 17, 2014

I found this in the prompts (linked below). I'm going to give it a go. Just a bit of a warning, I don't know if it's going to end up being funny, sad, or what. It's an interesting prompt, and I was up for the challenge.

Prompt: Write a letter to your unborn child. It’s okay if you don’t have children, don’t want children, or are done having children – that might make it more interesting.

Dear Little One,

I don't know if you are ever going to exist. Sometimes I wish I'll get you, and other days, I don't know what I want. I know if you do come into our life, you'll be loved. That's a fact. That's the only fact I can promise. You will be coming into a family that loves you more than anything. 

You aren't here yet though, and I refuse to have regrets if you're never going to arrive. I will be happy with my life with or without you.

That being said (because I have to say that), I can imagine you. I imagine a little girl, although I can imagine a little boy as well. I can see a mini me, or a mini Clint. I can see your smile. 

I can see your sweet little smile, and I can also see you getting away with a lot with your sweet little smile. 

I can't guarantee your life will be perfect with Clint and I, but I can promise you that you'll see love and joy all the time. You will see it when we look at one another, and you will see it when we look at you. You might hear bickering sometimes. It was my least favourite thing to hear when I was growing up, but we still will respect and love one another. 

I don't know what your name will be, but I have a lot of ideas. I just have to get them approved by your father. (Even though this letter is to an imaginary child, saying 'your father' sounds very strange.)

I don't know what the future will hold, but I imagine laughter, a dog, a house, and smiles. If you are there, it will all be shared with you, and you'll be born into a great extended family as well.

I will read to you. All the time, and if you follow in your parent's footsteps, you will be a bit of a book worm. Do so proudly. Maybe I'll even start writing kid's books for you. 

If you follow specifically in my footsteps, you will have no rhythm, be slightly tone deaf, and be just a tad uncoordinated at sports. I'll love you anyway, and you know who to blame. I'm joking, of course. You'll be good at everything - especially singing.

You will have grandparents that love you and spoil you from the second you arrive. They'll probably be in two different provinces, but that won't stop lots of visits and love. You'll get to see the best of Canada. (It's all beautiful). 

You are going to have aunts, uncles, and cousins that love you. My sister will think you are the best, as will Clint's siblings. You'll have a lot of cousins on the Crowe side.

Basically, you're going to have a great life. No matter where we are, what we're doing, we will be smiling. And just a warning, when you cry, I will cry with you. I am going to be an emotional Mom, and I definitely won't do everything perfectly to begin with. Perfectly Imperfect. That's your mom.

Maybe we will meet some day. I'm not sure. I wrote letters in a journal before to a baby that will never be. A sibling that will never be. I still have it, but I don't read it. I don't know if you will be in my future or not, but if you are, I can't wait to meet you. 

Love Always,

Your possibly future Mom.

To be perfectly honest, I feel kind of silly posting this. I'm going to anyway. Like I said, I don't know if a baby is in my future. I don't know if I would be a great Mom, but I do know I would love with all my heart.

If baby looks like her Mom or Auntie Jodi..

Back to work for me. This was my lunchtime writing.

And as always:

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Prompts from:

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